Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Service Learning Should NOT be Mandatory For College...

Service learning is the name for forcing college students to do volunteer work as part of their college careers. The hope is that this volunteer work will give students a better sense of civic duty, and thus, be a worthy addition to college curriculums. However, this idea relies on the faulty premise that if one is forced to volunteer that one will derive the same benefits as someone who does it out of their own desire to help. Mandatory service learning will not have the desired effect, and should not be forced upon students. It is perhaps intuitive to think that by making students help others there will be a net positive; there could be no downside to volunteering time and effort to help the community. However, a more detailed†¦show more content†¦However, to a company their time is money. If a company is forced to give its time and resources to volunteer, it might as well give money instead. That money, in the form of taxes, is already paid by both companies and individuals to the government. That money, in turn, should be used to help communities when needed. If communities need extra help, the answer is increasing taxes to provide that extra help. Forcing college students to provide that help directly ignores the efficiencies gained from specialization. A college student, who isn’t even studying whatever field is needed, would be able to help more by working in their actual field for money, and then giving that money to a specialist, via the government, to provide the direct help. The only problem with that arrangement is that it doesn’t provide the positive feelings that directly helping would. However, gaining a positive sense of accomplishment at the expense of providing less efficient help is a purely selfish motivation. In the case of labor being needed that almost anyone could do, there is an even greater gain in having the public at large finance the work instead of doing it directly. Instead of having a college student learn about basic construction, which he will likely never use again in his career, wouldn’t it make more sense to pay someone local to the community to do the work instead? That way, not only is the work done, butShow MoreRelatedMilitary Academic Skills Program5250 Words   |  21 PagesForester The Defense of Duffer’s Drift, Swinton The Killer Angels, Shaara The Soldier’s Load, Marshall U.S. Constitution VOLUNTARY EDUCATION RECOMMENDED MOS-RELATED MILITARY DISTANCE LEARNING COURSES MCI 0481 - Landing Support Specialist RECOMMENDED GENERAL MILITARY DISTANCE LEARNING COURSES The following MCI courses are recommended for all ranks: MCI 0055 - Hazardous Material/ Hazardous Waste Marine MCI 0112C - Counseling for Marines MCI 0118K - Spelling MCI 3420/25A/26A - PersonalRead MoreMentoring and Enabling Learning in the Practice Setting Essay5052 Words   |  21 PagesMentoring and enabling learning in the practice setting A reflective account of my experience of facilitating learning, assessing and teaching a student or co-worker, and how this experience will inform my future development within the mentor or practice teacher role. 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